Shear Perfection Ranch California Red Sheep


You may buy them for their looks, but you'll keep them for their dispositions.

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Shear Perfection Ranch Herd Sires

CharioteerCalifornia Red Sheep ram - Charioteer

Charioteer[1105 Tank x 727 Chantel]  Long, tall & athletic, he is the old man of the group at 9 years old.  Here are some samples of his offspring.

California Red Sheep ram-Road Racer California Red Sheep Ewe-Splash N GoCalifornia Red Sheep ram-EnchantmentCalifornia Red Sheep ram-ReddyWheeling&Apple







The Grateful RedCalifornia Red Sheep ram - The Grateful Red

The Grateful Red [Ivanhoe x Tank Ewe] is the best balanced and boned ram we have produced to date. His disposition matches his overall good looks. His babies are impressive; just take a look...

 California Red Sheep ram - Sam the ChamoisCalifornia Red Sheep ram - TuffEnuf2WearPinkCalifornia Red Sheep Ewe Lamb - Red Ragtop

California Red Sheep Ewe - Curly Simon









CoolerCalifornia Red Sheep ram - Cooler

Cooler [Eliot Ness x Tailgater] A smaller ram than Charioteer & The Grateful Red but excellent conformation.  He was bred for the first time this year.  And look at quality of these lambs...

California Red Sheep ram-Cool Whip  California Red Sheep Ewe - Icy RussiaCalifornia Red Sheep Ram - Ole' Ole' Ole' Ole'









Apple CartCalifornia Red Sheep ram - Apple Cart

Apple Cart [Charioteer x Apple Dumpling]  A nice ram with good bloodlines.  I decided to test breed him this year.  Wow...did he knock my socks off with these babies...

 California Red Sheep Ewe - Cat A. WampusCalifornia Red Sheep Ram - Apple-O OhnoCalifornia Red Sheep Ewe - Double Dog Dare EweCalifornia Red Sheep ram - Eat Daysert First








Holy FreeHoLeeCalifornia Red Sheep ram - Holy FreeHoLee

Holy FreeHoLee [Ivanhoe x Jess' A Breeze] Almost a carbon copy of his dad, he has big shoes to fill.  He's off to an excellent start...

California Red Sheep ram - Bean to the MountaintopCalifornia Red Sheep ewe - Spilled the BeansCalifornia Red Sheep ram - ChiliTodayHotTamale